The club recently showcased its trophy to Aileen Campbell, MSP for Clydesdale and Cabinet Secretary for Communities & Local Government.
Ms Campell said: “My warmest and heartfelt congratulations to Accessible Tennis CIC, and to Marie Burns, for their fantastic achievements.
“It is tremendous that in Marie, and everyone involved with Accessible Tennis CIC, we have individuals who are working so hard to put the effort into bringing Tennis closer to our communities. This work is taking place at the ideal moment to capitalise on the sport’s popularity by helping to achieve further growth in this country.
“We want to see more people playing tennis and having access to top-quality facilities to get fit, try something new, and have fun. This work is all about helping people get more active, as well as helping to create the tennis stars of the future.”
Thanks to our partners, Phoenix Futures The Advisory Group and North Lanarkshire Tennis.
Tennis Recovery Group July 2017.
Encouraging healthy lifestyles by providing free fruit and water at tennis sessions July 2017.
Tennis Activators March 2017
Accessible Tennis CIC Company Number: 530601 is a Social enterprise founded in March 2016 developing new and innovative ways to get people more active.
It is founded on the following Guiding Principles.
Provide tennis coaching for underrepresented groups in sport such as people with disabilities or health conditions, older people and women with the aim of improving the health, fitness and wellbeing of those individuals and the community as a whole as well as improving social inclusion.